MedicSolution invites you to view two modular operating theaters and the ultra mobile modular platform, MAX24, in an authentic healthcare environment.

The Conference
Day of Powerful Talks
27 nov 2024
MedicSolution invites you to view modular operating theaters in an authentic healthcare environment. Two of the six operating theaters that previously stood in Hudiksvall are now displayed indoors in the former sheet metal press room in Stallbacka. MAX24, which was launched in Almedalen earlier this year, is also presented here. The ultra mobile healthcare platform MAX24 can be delivered and ready for use within 24 hours anywhere in Sweden. Here it will be shown with the care function: operating theatre.
Conference information
Proud to bring inspirational speakers
Johannes Brundin
Co-Founder / Energy & Climate Manager
Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare
Johannes Brundin är Energy and Climate manager och medgrundare till Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare. Som utbildad elektroingenjör och med en bakgrund inom Clentech-branschen har han utvecklat energi- och klimatsmart sjukvård som en del av nätverkets fokusområden, detta genom att samla aktörer inom området för att främja innovation, tillväxt och internationalisering av nordisk teknik på den internationella marknaden.
Talare 27 november med följande innehåll:
Att bygga en hållbar sjukvård.
Tänkvärda medskick gällande hållbarhet och hur en hållbar sjukvård bygger upp till ett hållbart samhälle.
Innebörden och omfattningen av hållbarhetsbegreppet
Tänkvärda medskick vid val av en över tid hållbar lösning.
Grønnköpingkið – the world´s greenest hospital

About MedicSolution
Prefabricated modular constructions adapted for critical societal infrastructure
We deliver high-quality modules for healthcare, research and preparedness. Our solutions are permeated by high hygienic demands, reliability and short time to market. We design, engineer and produce products that are fully integrated with equipment tested and quality-assured in Sweden. Our solutions are adapted for critical societal infrastructure, and we constantly strive to create greater function and value for our customers and their businesses. As a result, our portfolio is developed through an understanding of our customers’ businesses and needs.
Contact us at salesinfo@medicsolution.com to see how we can help you with a solution tailored to your business.
Swedish Production - Global Market
Swedish production
More than 40 years experience in prefabricated modular solutions
Over 3,500 high-specification modules.
We have delivered to over 30 countries
Reduce delivery time by up to 50% compared with on-site projects
Business areas
If you’re looking for high-quality modules for hospitals and science, then you’ve come to the right place. Our solutions are permeated by high hygienic demands, reliability and short time to market.

Flexibly adapted to be delivered
in a maximum of 24 hours when
and where the need arises
Secure civil preparedness within healthcare
MAX24 is a robust, flexible and reliable ultra-mobile modular platform, manufactured and stocked in Sweden. It is delivered when and where the need arises and can be transported by truck as well as by boat and plane, and the MAX24 can be put into operation by one person. Simple logistics and short lead times are crucial when society is affected by serious events.
Upon commissioning, the MAX24 expands into a fully equipped care unit that meets all the requirements to provide civilian care without compromise. MAX24 is currently available in an operating theater version and is equipped so that it is ready for operation upon delivery and is completely self-sufficient.
A functioning healthcare capacity is a crucial guarantee for a resilient society.
MAX24 is a ultra mobile modular platform designed to meet all types of healthcare needs.
OP - from Q2 2025
IVA - design phase
CSU (Casualty staging units) - design phase
Sterile - design phase
Pharmacy - design phase
Care unit - design phase
Turnkey operating theaters
Six operating theaters with associated set-up, passage rooms and media supply were delivered in 2022 to Hudiksvall Hospital as a modular building to enable a renovation of the existing operating department. The modular building is used to evacuate the surgery department during the renovation period and was rented by Region Gävleborg.
The modular building is adapted to be easily moved as two, four or six operating theatres. Since they are constructed for permanent use they can effectively offer extra permanent capacity to a growing business.